News & Events
1 April 2020 - Periskal Update
Periskal update is now fully digital and automatic. Preparations for a full automatic online update have been underway for a long time, but the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated everything. Sending postal parcels across the border has been greatly disrupted, so that sending out the classic DVD would not yield much result at this time. That is why we have chosen to process the updates directly online. You also do not always have to be online, but occasionally when you start the program. There is...
5 September 2017 - Periskal will be present on the NEVA exhibition in St. Petersburg
Periskal products will be shown on the booth of our Russian Distributor Abris LLC, Especially the navigtion software PC-Navigo with complete coverage of Russian (European part) waterways. All information about River Information Services and services to waterway authorities will be available on the booth.
13 June 2017 - Periskal will be present on the Europort exhibition in Rotterdam
Periskal will be present on the Europort Maritime exhibition for maritime technology in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). This exhibition will take place in AHOY from the 7th till the 10th of November 2017. The maritme products QuodFish, Trax and ECDIS will be shown, products distributed by daughtercompany Chartworx. Als the inland shipping line of products from Periskal will be demonstrated.
23 May 2016 - News edition April 2016
Click here to read the newsletter No 31 - April 2016.
16 November 2015 - Type Approval Procedure of Periskal ECDIS successfully completed !
BSH-Cert, as notified body, did undertake the relevant type approval procedures for the Periskal ECDIS equipment which was found to be in compliance with the Navigation requirements of Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 96/98/EC and the last modification by Directive 2015/559/EU. BSH-Cert has awarded the EC Type Examination Certificate to Periskal ECDIS on the 6th of November 2015.
5 June 2015 - Periskal wins tender in India !
Together with our Indian partner RDS from Pune we have been awarded by the Inland Waterways Authority of India the contract to extent River Information Services on National Waterway nr 1. This will be the first AIS Basestation network setup by Periskal outside of Europe
1 February 2015 - Periskal takes over NoorderSoft bv
Periskal takes over the company NoorderSoft bv. As of today Periskal overtook the shares from the owners, who will soon enjoy their retirement. The activities of NoorderSoft will continue as before and the well known product PC Navigo will be continued and further on developped as before. The adress of NoorderSoft bv has been changed to Den Helder, joint with another Periskal company over there, Chartworx vb. New adress and contact details can be found on the website, the...
31 December 2014 - Strategic partnership with Noordersoft
Periskal and Noordersoft have decided to get into a strategic partnership as from the 1st of January 2015. Details of the agreement will be published in a later stage. The strategic partnership between both companies will give new possiblities that were not possible for each of the partners alone. For the clients a lot of new products and services will come available soon.
22 October 2014 - Supply of Inland ECDIS viewer in the Czech Republic
Periskal is supplier of a serious amount of Periskal Inland ECDIS Viewers in the Czech Republic. The supply is done in the frame of the EU Iris III project. The delivery confirms the significant role of Periskal in the market of Inland ECDIS navigations in Europe. Similar delivery took place early this year to Hungary.
22 October 2014 - Periskal wins tender for AIS Base Station network on the Saône
Periskal has won the tender to intstall an AIS Base Station network on the River Saône and the Canal du Rhône à Sète in France. Along the river Saône and the canal will be installed AIS Basestation infrastructure and some masts will be build. The owner of the network will be VNF, Voies Navigables de France.
15 October 2014 - Carriage requirement for chart system on the Rhine is coming closer !
As decided by the Rhine Commission this year the mandatory carriage requirement for Inland AIS and a chart system is coming closer, first of december 2014. Periskal has the right solutions for this. First of all the Periskal Inland ECDIS Viewer can be used onboard to display the AIS information and to control the transponder. Several promotions exist, contact Periskal to know more. Secondary a tablet using Android operating system can be used as an easy and cheap alternative.
1 October 2014 - Iris III project succesfully closed for Periskal
Periskal has finished recently the development in the frame of the EU Iris III project. On the river Danube in Rumania has been a last test and demonstration together with the Rumanian waterway authority AFDJ. The develpments for Periskal were around the so called bathymetric ENC and use of waterlevel models on the river. The results are important for shipping on rivers like the Danube with fast changing fairways.
1 October 2014 - AIS network on the Canal d'Alsace fully accepted
Recentely the new AIS Base Station network on the Canal d'Alsace (alongside the Rhine river) has been accepted by French Waterway Authority VNF. In total three AIS Base Stations have been installed on high locations around the canal stretch. The network is fulfulling the expetations compeletely and is gving the waterway authorithy a complete overview of the traffic between Germany and Switserland.
1 October 2014 - Periskal wins tender to equip VNF vessels
Periskal has won a tender to equip authorithy vessels of VNF, Voies Navigables de France. The vessels have to be equipped with Inland ECDIS, AIS, computers, radar, generator etc.. The works will be executed during 2014 and 2015.
1 October 2014 - Periskal wins tender for AIS Base Station network in France
Periskal won an international tender from CNR (Compagnie Nationale du Rhône) related to AIS. Alongside the whole stretch of the river Rhône an AIS Base Station network will be constructed. A complete coverage for AIS and DGPS service is foreseen. The central system will be linked with the centralised lock management. The whole system will allow a more efficient and safe passage for ships through the locks on the Rhône. The project will end in the summer of 2015.
8 April 2014 - Periskal wins tender in Hungary
Periskal won the Tender in Hungary for the supply of ECDIS Viewer and Radar Overlay systems in the frame of the IRIS Europe III project. Periskal will supply 100 Inland ECDIS Viewer systems and 20 Periskal Radar Overlay systems to the Hungarian Authorities to be used within the IRIS Europe III project. The winning of this tender confirms the market position of Periskal on the Danube River once more. Periskal supplied before hundreds of onboard ECDIS Viewers towards Slowakian, Croatian, Serbian,...
30 December 2013 - Successful implementation of Odra RIS
The consortium Periskal cvba and RGO doo has successfully completed the implementation of Odra RIS. In a record time of 9 months a complete RIS infrastructure has been completed on the Lower Odra River in Poland.
1 September 2013 - Periskal wins tender AIS network on Canal d'Alsace.
Periskal has won the tender for the development of an AIS network on the Canal d'Alsace - the canalized Rhine. The tender is commissioned by VNF Direction Territoriale Strasbourg. The installation includes the building of 3 AIS base stations and a link to the main traffic centre of VNF in Béthune. The project officially started on the 1st of September.
1 August 2013 - Periskal takes a majority interest in the Dutch company Chartworx bv.
Periskal takes a majority interest in the Dutch company Chartworx bv. Chartworx has been involved with the development, production and distribution of electronic chart systems for both the SOLAS market and the fishery and leisure market, since 1982.
1 May 2013 - Periskal wins the contract for the production of Inland ECDIS charts in Italy.
Commissioned by AIPO, the agency for the management of the River Po and the various affluents and canals, Periskal will make the full cartography of the network of the rivers and canals in North Italy. In addition to the cartography a RIS Index is also created.
29 April 2013 - The consortium Periskal - RGO has won the tender Odra RIS in Poland
The consortium Periskal - RGO has won the tender Odra RIS in Poland for building a complete River Information Infrastructure in Poland on the Odra River.
1 December 2012 - Periskal wins tender for the production of Inland ECDIS charts for the Flemish water administrators.
Periskal has won the contract for the production of Inland ECDIS charts for the water administrators ‘WenZ’ and ‘De Scheepvaart’. The contract includes the production of new cells and the updating of existing charts. The contract has an estimated duration of 2 years.